Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pump up the Bass

It's not snowing today!!

I know, it's April 8th and it shouldn't be snowing anyway, but someone forgot to mention this atmospheric truth to God...and it's been snowing all week. BUT NOT (I repeat, NOT) TODAY! It's amazing, I can actually see this bright orb in the hurts a little to look right at it. If memory serves my right, I believe that orb is called the Sun. It brings heat and light to this little ball of dirt called Earth. Hmmmm.

So, besides being amazed at the lack of snow outside, I've been busy on Etsy with a huge boost in sales!! *Yippeee* Maybe my little boutique is finally going somewhere and we can start to get rid of all the tutu samples in the bedroom. (my husband says it makes his man-cave look frilly, bah!

In the midst of the chaos and lack of sun this week, I did manage to be halfway was just a little custom onesie for my friends new baby boy. (who is absolutely adorable...btw) Usually I'm kinda out of ideas when it comes to baby showers for boys. I make tutu's. Most Dad's frown openly at the thought of the new "man" in the family owning a tutu. Most mom's do too.
This gift, however, was just too perfect for this see all the boys (including Dad) are musicians!! And not Mozart or Chopin-like musicians. I'm talking, face melting, guitar lickin' crank up the volume, shred master musicians.
So I created the "Pump up the Bass" custom onesie for the little prodigy. (ha!
Ok, and you know, I just can't make something and not share I listed it on my Etsy store too.


I'm off to soak up some Vitamin D

K. Frank

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