Monday, May 25, 2009

Make up your Mind!

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but little girls tend to be a tad contradictory. One day their favorite color is Pink, the next day, Purple. I tend to notice these eccentricities more than most because I have three of them in close proximity to myself ALL DAY LONG!
As creator of some fabulously frilly tutus, I thought maybe I would make one that would stand the test of time (at least for a couple days) by making it versatile. Thus the Reversible Tutu was formed.
Actually, what got me into the studio to create it was a message from a bride-to-be inquiring about color choices for her two little flower girls. She wanted something in Purple and Silver that didn't get washed out...a tutu where the Purple would pop, but still have a hint of silver.
Problem solved with the Reversible Tutu.

We both loved how the colors blended. How she could choose which side would be displayed and later on the girls could flutter around the countryside in which ever color they were most fond of.
Crisis averted. Customer happy. Designer Thrilled!
(and all this before breakfast)

The above pics. are of the two that I created for the wedding. I'm sure we'll have many more to come!

So whether her colors are pink and purple, blue and yellow, black and white, mint and maize. This tutu is sure to last a very long time (or until her colors change....again)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Fairy Fluff"

I've been accused of loving tulle too much. Crazy talk, I know, but this time they may actually be on to something. I've been on a quest to find even more creative goodies made out of tulle for the Boutique. Accessories for the little fairy princesses out there. Tutu's are superb! Don't get me wrong, but sometimes you need a little something to complete to look. Something that screams

So please put your hands together for the latest goody to grace the boutique's Etsy page....The "Fairy Fluff" princess wand! (pauses for standing ovation.......)
My girls absolutely adore these! Okay, are obsessed with them. (Must be genetic.) They carry them around everywhere they go so they never miss an opportunity to "Bippity Bop" someone on the head. But hey, that's okay.....really. You see, these wands are so super soft. They can bop and you'll never see a tear. (well, maybe just of joy!) A mother's dream wand, I suppose.
The wand is totally customizable. Choose up to 3 colors of tulle from the 30 I have in stock. You also get to pick what color(s) satin ribbon you'd like for the handle and the streamers. WAHOO!
Let's face Fairy Princess is complete without her wand.

*****Well, back to Far Far Away I go....Have sweet Fairytale dreams****

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

*Ingeniously Creative*

A while ago, while perusing Etsy listings for inspiration and items to be included in my "Sanctuary" treasury, I happened upon art in bracelet form. Not your "run of the mill" type of jewelry. A mix of life, material, hope, nature, ingenuity and perhaps a few tears. The kind of accessory that causes you to dream again. It's no wonder, then, that after speaking with the designer, I learned she is in fact an artist.
Carol started her career in Milan, but after a few years discovered that she wasn't cut out for the fashion world. She instead threw herself into creating mixed-media artwork instead. From steampunk inspired Gothic treasures in ring and necklace form. ("Not for the faint of heart." is the warning.) To pieces that include just about every pretty thing you can imagine. Freshwater pearl, turquoise, silk ribbon, vintage Lucite, brass and Irish lace to name a few. I was especially taken aback by the whimsical art beads from the "Lets Face It" series. Perhaps Carol has captured in these beads the face of art itself.
Her inspiration?
I'd guess the coast of the Irish Sea where she resides has some influence.

SO, "Where can I find these treasures?" you ask. "In galleries? Where the finest of artisans is featured?" YES! But be not disappointed. You can also find them in the Ingeniouslycreative Etsy "gallery". Here is the link:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring Collection....And Sweet Deals!

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce to you the NEW Spring Collection at the PrincessDoodleBeans Boutique.

You, meet the Spring Collection....Collection, meet You.
*shake hands*

There. Now that you've been introduced properly, I'll give you some information on these sweet custom tutus.

First out of the box is the Custom Rainbow Sherbet long length tutu. Double layered and ready for a party. Super sweet! I chose to include the colors Peach, Mint, and Light pink to create that sherbet look. The waistband is wrapped in soft pink satin ribbon and finished with a petite daisy with coordinating button centerpiece. YUMMY!

Next is the Custom Passion Punch Sherbet tutu. Available in the 3 shorter lengths. Popping with the juicy colors of Fuchsia and Orange and double layered to create extra frills and thrills for your little girl. The waistband is wrapped in soft Fuchsia ribbon and tied into a bow with Orange ribbon. The centerpiece is an Orange silk Chrysanthemum flower.

Back by popular demand is the Custom Punky Flower Tutu. Two dramatic lengths add personality to this custom item. Color choices are up to you!! Get yourself a little FLOWER POWER!

Specials for the month of MAY:

**This month only**

Purchase a custom Ballet or Classic style tutu and receive a FREE Upgrade to an Ultra Poof tutu!! Your item will have double the tulle at no extra cost. That's a savings of between $5-$7.

Check out my Etsy listings for more information/which items are included in the sale.

Have a Merry May

K. Frank