Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Fairy Fluff"

I've been accused of loving tulle too much. Crazy talk, I know, but this time they may actually be on to something. I've been on a quest to find even more creative goodies made out of tulle for the Boutique. Accessories for the little fairy princesses out there. Tutu's are superb! Don't get me wrong, but sometimes you need a little something to complete to look. Something that screams

So please put your hands together for the latest goody to grace the boutique's Etsy page....The "Fairy Fluff" princess wand! (pauses for standing ovation.......)
My girls absolutely adore these! Okay, are obsessed with them. (Must be genetic.) They carry them around everywhere they go so they never miss an opportunity to "Bippity Bop" someone on the head. But hey, that's okay.....really. You see, these wands are so super soft. They can bop and you'll never see a tear. (well, maybe just of joy!) A mother's dream wand, I suppose.
The wand is totally customizable. Choose up to 3 colors of tulle from the 30 I have in stock. You also get to pick what color(s) satin ribbon you'd like for the handle and the streamers. WAHOO!
Let's face Fairy Princess is complete without her wand.

*****Well, back to Far Far Away I go....Have sweet Fairytale dreams****

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